Painful Joints | Menopause | Food | Exercise

Hollywood Arms and Discount Code

Before I tell you about the amazing Meg Mathews Menopause Conference and your discount code, I would like to talk arms.
The sun is finally out and I don’t know about you, but I am not ready. My summer wardrobe (well summer case) is still in the loft and I am rather reluctant to get it down, as I do not want to jinx this lovely weather and have to wear my snow boots again! Apart from the waxing and tanning I worry about arms, or to be more precise bingo wings!
We have all been there, we look back at old photos and say “wow, I wish I embraced how I looked then!” That old saying “youth is wasted on the young!” is so true!
I used to teach around 15-20 classes per week on top of my own training, however, like everything in life, nothing lasts forever and there is always a catch. Due to the repetition of all of those classes, including weighted workout classes, my poor left shoulder suffered and being a young, know it all, instructor I never listened to my body or my physiotherapist or osteopath and trained through the pain.

5 years, 2 shoulder operations, 1 frozen shoulder and probably 12 months of rehab later my toned arms have suffered but now I feel that I am ready to try and banish those wings!
It is going to take some time but I am determined to be proud of my arms once again.
Why don’t you join me? Weight training will not only give you Hollywood arms but will also make you feel great! And while you are doing your arms you can do some cardio in-between the sets!! Win / win!
I am on my 4th workout on my arms. I am really going for it- 6 sets of 5 the heaviest weights I can lift. Working on my triceps, shoulder and biceps. It is important to work all of these muscles not just for balancing the joints but for aesthetics. If your shoulder is defined it will sit beautifully on your bicep and triceps and will make the whole arm look more defined.
If you have not done much arm work before do not worry, start with the basics. I will upload arm exercises onto my site this week and you can join me once you have that baseline conditioning in your arms. Here are some to be going on with
If you are on Instagram then scroll down as I have uploaded loads of arms exercise.
Meg Mathews Menopause Conference
Finally, a massive YAY! Menopause is, at last, being talked about and the fantastic Meg Mathews is really helping this cause. She has talked candidly on lots of media channels about her experience of the Menopause, which is just wonderful. She is hosting a conference on the 21st May and I am super excited as I am speaking at it! I will be talking about, wait for it, how exercise and food can help with your menopause symptoms! Please come. Meg has kindly given me a discount code for all you lovely Meno’s. If you would like to attend, when you get to the checkout just put in MENOANDME35 for your 35% discount.
The whole day looks great and if you do come you will be helping two amazing charities;
The Daisy Network
I do hope you can come. It would be fantastic to get together and finally meet some of you in person, outside of the virtual world!
Big hugs
Jane. xx
PS – Why the term Hollywood arms? Years ago one of my class participants requested that she have arms like Jennifer Anniston from Friends….hence Hollywood Arms!
#hollywoodarms #menopause #hrt #excerciseformenopause