Menopause | Fitness | Exercise | Painful Joints | Osteoporosis

Thank you! Top 10 Menopause blogger!

Hello all,
I just wanted to write a quick blog to say “thank you all!”
I was recently awarded No 10 in the list of top menopause blogs! WHOP! WHOP! If you didn’t follow me on social media or read my blogs, then I wouldn’t have received this. – THANK YOU!
I started MENO&ME as I wanted to reach out to as many women as possible to say “it is going to be ok” and to offer advice on how to get your “fabulous” back through exercise and lifestyle changes, as when I started there wasn’t a lot of positive sites out there and I had certainly lost my “fabulous” for a long time because of my menopause symptoms and wanted to share my experiences.
My Instagram and blogs show my journey, which of course is ongoing.
We have come a long way in the last year, with celebrities bringing awareness about the menopause and helping to break the taboo; Lorraine Kelly, Andrea McLean, Zoe Ball, Gillian Anderson, Carole Vorderman and of course the amazing Meg Mathews (who was voted No 1 in the same category for menopause blogs). The blog platform is
I was lucky enough to be invited to speak at Meg Mathew’s ground-breaking conference in May.
My talk; “The positive effects of exercise and how small steps can make a big difference to your menopause symptoms;” was really well received. I pulled on my knowledge and experience of over 20 years in the health and fitness arena and I really am passionate about educating women on how prevention is better than cure, I am referring to heart disease and osteoporosis.
Before opening my studio in London Bridge, I used to teach many group classes, however, I was stopped in my tracks after being hit by a car and had to re-evaluate my life and career. I used to love teaching a wide variety of groups from young to old, from high impact aerobics to clinical exercise.
I have been involved with Wandsworth PCT with setting up initiatives in the health sector for older vulnerable adults, for spine rehabilitation patients, chair-based exercise, falls prevention, and GP referrals.

I am a firm believer that things happen for a reason and my past experience has allowed me to educate women now on how to take preventive measures during menopause. I have recently been back in front of groups of various sizes, public speaking, which to me is just an extension of my work before my car accident and opening my studio.
My audience now is you, my wonderful Meno family.
I think I am pretty open on my social media about how I feel and demonstrate that if I do not look after myself how my menopause symptoms come and bite me on the bottom. When I do have a down day it is you guys that pick me up.
Again, Meno’s, thank you for following me and helping to build a community of women to help and support each other when one of us is feeling low. I think we are doing an amazing job.
Pat on back now to you all please!
Massive hugs and thanks for reading.
Jane xxx
What exercise should I be doing during menopause?
Exercise to help painful joints
Exercise for hot flushes
Exercise to help with anxiety
Exercise to help with insomnia