Exercise | Menopause

Menopause workout for legs!

I hope you have had a great weekend! It was touch and go if I was going to get this blog out as this weekend Greg (husband) and I are “sorting” we are finally getting some very long overdue work done in our flat, so we are having a good clear out beforehand. Sorry for very boring insta stories! I have tried to get him to watch Marie Kondo on Netflix, but he is not biting; he loves to horde!

Anyway, I digress. Last week I uploaded a beginners arm and cardio workout, I hope you enjoyed it!?
Today I have uploaded a leg workout; after last week I realised I need to look at an easier way to upload workouts. I write lots of programmes for clients each week and do not find it an effort; its formatting it on this blog is time consuming; so thanks for be patient until I change from this platform to our new one.
Remember before undertaking any new exercise regime do get the ok from your GP.
Can I do both leg and arm workouts in one day?
You have a choice how you manage these workouts; you can do both programmes together on alternative days; So, both arm and leg workout Monday, Wednesday or Friday. Or you can workout everyday and do leg and cardio 1 day and then arm and cardio the next. You just need to remember that you need 1 day’s rest before working the same muscle. When it is resting it is repairing and that’s how you gain strength.
If your muscle aches the next day that’s OK, it just means that you have worked it well and the soreness means your muscles are repairing therefore becoming become stronger!
So here is the link to the leg workout, I think you will agree that this format is much better!
Intermittent bleeding during menopause
Just to let you know next week I am away on a work/holiday which will eat into my weekend. We are lucky to have a guest blogger next week; is a specialist menopause nurse who has kindly written a blog on intermittent bleeding during menopause; which is something I get asked a lot about and I am not qualified to answer.
Other tips on managing menopause symptoms
I found a great article on cold water swimming; here is some text from it and you find the link to the full article at the bottom.
How A Cold Splash Helps Reduce Stress & symptoms of menopause

“A cold splash in the morning and all the fatigue goes away. Isn’t it? Feeling sleepy? Just a cold splash, and boom, it’s all normal. But there’s much more to a cold splash than this. According to a group of ladies who plunged into water as cold as 6 degree Celsius in Gower in the UK, plunging into cold water helps dampen the effects of menopause. Many of them also reported improvements in their mental health.
Alison Owen, 49, one of the women who plunged into the cold water, told BBC, “Although it takes around 91 seconds to make your body adjust in the ice-cold water, once it does, results are good. At the beginning, it is an extraordinary thrill and excitement. I could feel I could feel the kid in me being revived. That helped in improving in mental health too.” full article
Have a great week next week and you know I will be checking in daily inInstagram!
Hugs as always.