I officially dis-own my daughter, sister and bestie for not letting me in this world of amazing fashion, sex and pure eye porn. MAD MEN!! With just 6 days to go until my operation – but more importantly 7 sleeps until I can go back on my OESTROGEN PATCHES!! I am finding that unless I … Continue reading “Poor Betty Draper in Mad Men”

What is the right exercise for your bones?
I have lots of women contact me on how to get started and what exactly they should be doing. So here is the first in a series of blogs on what exactly you should be doing that is safe, effective but more importantly, to keep you fabulous! Please, before you undertake any new exercise programme … Continue reading “What is the right exercise for your bones?”
Don’t take having a bath for granted!
Ok; now you know I love fluffy bunnies, pink preferably and when people are talking about something uncomfortable I smile and pretend that I am in my happy place. You also know that I don’t get embarrassed easily, you have seen my Instagram right? I suppose I am softening you up for the blow of … Continue reading “Don’t take having a bath for granted!”
Hot flushes and staying cool during soaring temperatures.
Hello all! I hope you are all well and coping in this heat! I thought I would drop you a quick line as I have been thinking of you, especially those of you who are suffering with hot flushes and night sweats. On my social media there have been lots of chat from women about … Continue reading “Hot flushes and staying cool during soaring temperatures.”
Menopause – Meg Mathews talks to Red Magazine, but we need more!
At last we are hearing from celebrities about Menopause, Its great that the taboo is starting to slowly drop away. Even though us mere mortals (well me!) have been banging on for ages, people start to listen when celebs break the taboo! hurrah! However I do feel that we do have a long time to … Continue reading “Menopause – Meg Mathews talks to Red Magazine, but we need more!”
Menopause – why do we beat ourselves up?
Thank you to the lovely Sascha who is an amazing meditation professional for these wonderful words. Beating Yourself Up Let’s face it, there is no-one who can beat you up as badly as yourself. I mean, today I caught myself beating myself up for beating myself up. I have been working on this i.e not … Continue reading “Menopause – why do we beat ourselves up?”
An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
An apple a day keeps the Doctor away! So why are apples so good for you? There are many reasons, which I will cover here; the best thing to do is to first find out what apples you actually like! My favourite are Pink Lady apples! Not because of the name as I do love … Continue reading “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”
How to manage change
Change can be hard, it can feel frightening and uncertain, so here are some tips to help; 1. Translate fear into excitement. Whatever it is, see how it feels to feel excited about, it, have a taste of how it feel to feel happy about it, allow yourself be excited about it. 2. When you … Continue reading “How to manage change”
How to manage change…
Change Changing jobs, changing vacuum cleaners, changing cars, changing laptops, changing clothes, changing hormones… Let’s face it, change can feel stressful. It’s the unfamiliarity of the new. But what exactly is the problem with change? It seems that humans just naturally don’t really like it! Which is funny because no matter where we are in … Continue reading “How to manage change…”
How to manage painful and stiff knees
Hi All! I do hope you all had a great Easter and those of you that are still on holiday…Go girl, enjoy! Exercise during menopause is really important, although today I would like to concentrate on painful and stiff knees and what stretches you can do to help with these symptoms. The reason for painful … Continue reading “How to manage painful and stiff knees”