As promised I am going back to the beginning, or what I can remember being the beginning of this dreadful phase called menopause. I am doing this because I have received some direct messages on Instagram asking me on how I managed to kick menopause in the balls and realised that a lot of my … Continue reading “Chapter 1; PS I cried lots.”

Winner of the Pelvic floor trainer!
We have a winner & a discount code! Congratulations to Emmie the winner of the Elvie Pelvic floor Trainer! Our competition has come to an end and I am really pleased so say we now have our winner for the Elvie Pelvic floor trainer! I was asked by Elvie to try out their device and … Continue reading “Winner of the Pelvic floor trainer!”
Competition to win a pelvic floor personal trainer!
Pelvic floor function is compromised during menopause because of the decrease in oestrogen, so we need to work these important muscles more than ever before. When I teach pelvic floor exercises I always teach two types; quick and slow. These two types will help different types of incontinence. The quick ones will help keep us … Continue reading “Competition to win a pelvic floor personal trainer!”
Thank you! Top 10 Menopause blogger!
Hello all, I just wanted to write a quick blog to say “thank you all!” I was recently awarded No 10 in the list of top menopause blogs! WHOP! WHOP! If you didn’t follow me on social media or read my blogs, then I wouldn’t have received this. – THANK YOU! I started MENO&ME as … Continue reading “Thank you! Top 10 Menopause blogger!”
Wide leg squats for pelvic floor function?
Those of you who follow me on any kind of social media, you will know that I love it! I have met so many wonderful people and love connecting with them at every opportunity and last week I was invited into a conversation on Twitter “are wide leg squats contraindicated for pelvic floor function or … Continue reading “Wide leg squats for pelvic floor function?”
Menopause badge?
What do you think of Andrea McLean’s idea of menopause badges? Before going on HRT I was offered a seat on the tube; I was totally shocked and really upset that a young women and a young man on different occasions thought that I looked as if I needed a seat! I did actually try … Continue reading “Menopause badge?”
Small changes…Need a hug?
Happy New Year! I hope you are all well and you managed to survive Christmas, especially those who are suffering with hot flushes! Cooking the Christmas dinner is hard enough without these! If you are suffering with anxiety and depression or just the “January blues” I have a closed Facebook group and the ladies in … Continue reading “Small changes…Need a hug?”
Exercise is so important for mental health & physical health during menopause
I would like to share a secret with you from both my personal and clinical experience. Cardiovascular and weight bearing exercise will not only help your body but also your mind. When you hit menopause not only do you have the physical changes to deal with, but also the psychological changes. These symptoms vary from … Continue reading “Exercise is so important for mental health & physical health during menopause”
My positive experience with HRT
I love movement, I always have and always will, I just know there is a ballet dancer inside desperately trying to get out!…. Hey In my head I am happy! When I was a little girl, my mummy took me to the doctors as I kept getting ill. He said that I had “schoolitis” My … Continue reading “My positive experience with HRT”
If you do not change what you do – nothing will change. I am taking up Yoga to help me through the Menopause!
That old saying “If you don’t change what you do then nothing will change”. Well it is so true. I have started using CBT regarding my hot flushes and that has worked enormously, so I thought ok let’s really embrace a calmer approach to life. For the last year or so, my knees and hips … Continue reading “If you do not change what you do – nothing will change. I am taking up Yoga to help me through the Menopause!”