We all strive to be the very best version of ourselves we can and know that beauty comes from within, but during this time of life struggling with menopause symptoms as well as ageing; it can be tough. I know if I am not on my A game with exercise and eating well not only … Continue reading “Exercise keeps us young!”

Bladder control during menopause.
Hi All, I have been sent this article and thought I would share it with you, I like the reference to bladder control and vaginal dryness and of course point no 1! The doctor for reference is Jill Maura Rabin, MD, Urogynecologist “Menopause is not a disease that requires treatment, though it may feel that … Continue reading “Bladder control during menopause.”
Happy New Year from MENO&ME
Hi All! I thought I would send this a little earlier today to wish you a healthy happy 2019. I also want to thank you all for following me on here and on my social media, This image is from Instagram; best of 9 and it really does sum up my menopause journey from being … Continue reading “Happy New Year from MENO&ME”
Stay calm with this breathing technique.
Last year I was lucky to be invited the very first menopause yoga retreat in Spain; I have to say it was one of the best weeks of my life, the whole week was dedicated to calming both body and mind. I have been in the industry for 25 years and have seen and practised … Continue reading “Stay calm with this breathing technique.”
Relationships at Christmas!
Relationships at Christmas – with yourself and others – being upside down does help! Today I ran a poll on my Instastories “are you loving this time of year or not?” the results were 60% not so much. If you do follow me on Instastories you will have seen this last few weeks have been … Continue reading “Relationships at Christmas!”
How to cope with menopause and Christmas!
How can we keep our menopausal body and minds safe during this crazy season? Hello all! I have been chatting with my meno clients and friends and thought it would be good to look at how we can stay fabulous and sane during this festive season! On Tuesday night I had my first Christmas dinner; … Continue reading “How to cope with menopause and Christmas!”
Is your heart as strong as your guns?
As we catapult toward the festive season surrounded with temptation of festive food and drink, let’s stop and think about what’s going on inside; let’s give our heart muscle some attention. Don’t overlook this important muscle while you’re worrying about fitting into your your LBD. This time of year at my studio, as we have … Continue reading “Is your heart as strong as your guns?”
Gwyneth re-branding the menopause?
Lets talk about this controversy over Gwyneth Paltrow and supplements. She states that the menopause needs re-branding. Is this just clever campaign as she is promoting her new menopause product.? Of course it is, but is it a bad thing? Say what you want about Gwynny, but she’s pushing the conversation around women’s health. Firstly, … Continue reading “Gwyneth re-branding the menopause?”
Heavy bleeding? There is help.
I love many things about our Meno community; supporting each other is high on our list and also sharing information. I have worked with many women who during peri-menopause suffer with really heavy bleeding. A miren coil that gives out localised progesterone or systemic progesterone can help some; sometimes other procedures can help. Dr Capppellar … Continue reading “Heavy bleeding? There is help.”
Train with Jane
Menopause solutions I love helping women to find a way to best manage their menopause. Either 1-2-1, in a group or in the workplace. Action Plan Some women can achieve lots with a one off “Action Plan” session or others check in with me weekly or monthly and we have “real time sessions”. I will … Continue reading “Train with Jane”