Some of my lovely Instagram followers have been very complimentary about my skin and wanted me to share some of my secrets. Nettle tea is something I introduced into my eating routine back in November 2017. I started drinking it after I attended a retreat, one of the therapist said because of years of … Continue reading “Want better skin and a stronger bladder?”

Menopause badge?
What do you think of Andrea McLean’s idea of menopause badges? Before going on HRT I was offered a seat on the tube; I was totally shocked and really upset that a young women and a young man on different occasions thought that I looked as if I needed a seat! I did actually try … Continue reading “Menopause badge?”
International Women’s Day
Hello all, how are you? I hope you are all well and that you have survived the snow and then the thaw! I have had no water in my flat since Saturday night because of burst pipes! However, I am warm, I have food and have a comfy bed so I am blessed, there are … Continue reading “International Women’s Day”
Why I feared my bed!
Awake at 3am in a wet cold PJ’s!?…You are not alone! My hot flushes at night and waking up at 3 am was a really unsettling time for me, It felt lonely and thought that this was going to be permanent. I have always loved my bed and when my alarm went off dreamed about … Continue reading “Why I feared my bed!”
Hormonal balancing yoga retreat
If you are a 40 something woman struggling to manage your hormones, would like to experience total sanctuary and nurturing with the focus on just you, then I have found you the place. .Kaliyoga is set in the beautiful Andalucía hills in Spain; they have been there for some years and have launched a pioneering … Continue reading “Hormonal balancing yoga retreat”
Small changes…Need a hug?
Happy New Year! I hope you are all well and you managed to survive Christmas, especially those who are suffering with hot flushes! Cooking the Christmas dinner is hard enough without these! If you are suffering with anxiety and depression or just the “January blues” I have a closed Facebook group and the ladies in … Continue reading “Small changes…Need a hug?”
Exercise is so important for mental health & physical health during menopause
I would like to share a secret with you from both my personal and clinical experience. Cardiovascular and weight bearing exercise will not only help your body but also your mind. When you hit menopause not only do you have the physical changes to deal with, but also the psychological changes. These symptoms vary from … Continue reading “Exercise is so important for mental health & physical health during menopause”
Is it enough?
Is it enough? Hi everyone! How are you? I hope you have had a great autumn so far. This last part of the year is just flying by, it has been just over 2 months since my shoulder operation and I am happy to say I am starting to feel normal again, it has been … Continue reading “Is it enough?”
World menopause day 5News Live
Today has been a bit of a funny day to be honest. Last night I was on Chanel 5 Live News presented by Sian Williams. It covered the menopause, on the show was the amazing Dr Louise Newson, women who are going through the change along with suffering husbands, including my husband, Greg. When I … Continue reading “World menopause day 5News Live”
Let’s talk menopause
Happy Sunday everyone, I hope you are enjoying it so far. I hope my last blog on; “Why I did not bath for over a year” didn’t frighten you too much, but I do feel so passionately about sharing what has happened to me as I do not want women to suffer as I did. … Continue reading “Let’s talk menopause”